From critical moments when things are at their worst, through the various stages of need and recovery, Stone House helps survivors and families to cope with the many realities of domestic violence.

Intervention and ongoing advocacy.

Two women talking
  • Crisis intervention.

    We’ll provide safety planning, emergency shelter and escape from danger — whether you need a taxi voucher or an airplane ticket. We even work with the Department of Children and Families to retain or restore custody, while coordinating efforts with police for an appropriate response to the abuse.

  • Meeting basic needs.

    When all you’ve got is the clothes on your back, Stone House helps with clothing, food, household goods and transportation to safety.

  • Advocacy and accompaniment.

    You don’t have to face the courts, schools, government agencies or the healthcare system alone. We’ll help you prepare. And will have your back at meetings, whether in person or online.

Individual help and personal counseling.

  • Sustained individual help.

    We work with you one-on-one to provide case management and clinical mental health counseling. Stone House professionals help you to set and achieve personal and family goals that can lead to a better life.

  • Financial stability.

    In addition to our Money Smart group class, Stone House provides individual financial counseling. For short-term financial emergencies, we can help with missed utility bills and rent payments. For long-term stability, we provide referrals to education and job training programs.

  • Immigration issues:

    Abusers often use immigration status as a tool for control. Stone House provides culturally and linguistically appropriate services to help immigrant survivors learn their rights and address their trauma.

Women in discussion

Support groups and life/skills education.

Woman using a computer
  • Support groups.

    Support from Stone House and other survivors can be invaluable. Our domestic violence groups focus on trauma, relapse prevention, anger management, parenting and other challenges you may face.

  • Parenting & life/skills education.

    Parenting classes help you build strong ties with your children while learning to meet overall challenges. Our Money Smart class teaches you to budget and manage your money as you plan for a more stable financial future. Our Rapid Rehousing class addresses tenant rights, good neighborly relations, landlord/tenant relations, financial issues, dealing with clutter — and how to create a home after homelessness and displacement.

To enroll in any of our community support services, please call 781.400.0770.
For information on our emergency shelter, please call 617.201.8415.