Stone House is ready to provide a wide range of domestic abuse services to meet your individual needs. Including safe harbor in an emergency. Temporary housing to weather the storm. And ongoing support groups/programs to help you recover physically, emotionally and financially.

Woman speaking on a telephone

Support Services & Groups

The support you need from day one and beyond. Our caring case management begins from your first contact. Guided by people who truly understand the struggles you’re facing.

Smiling woman


A place to think, feel and get a fresh start. We can help you search for a new residence, help keep your existing one — and help pay your bills in the meantime.

Mother and daughter

Family & Children

Helping children to feel safe and stable. Our therapeutic specialists can help with daycare — and to restore family routines and stability — while you get life back on track.

Pensive woman

Lessons from the personal journeys of others.

The road to becoming a domestic violence survivor is a delicate one. These stories offer healthy doses of both inspiration and caution.

To enroll in any of our community support services, please call 781.400.0770.
For information on our emergency shelter, please call 617.201.8415.